Supervisory board: Innoconsult & Innovation 360
SB Education: DEUSTO
Profession: Innovation consulting
Inustry: New Technologies
Technical Education: Master in Business Innovation
Country: Spain
- “Let’s superpower your innovation capabilities by talking straight about the hard things.”
- “You can’t improve what you can’t measure!” – Innovation IQ Score
- “Innovation costs less when it is supported from above!”
My contribution to the supervisory board: (Keywords)
Innovation Expert Strategy Leader Business Development Digital Transformation High Performance Teams Cognitive Diversity Business Innovation Technical Sales Management Market Analysis Key Accounts and Government Affairs Networking
My contribution to the supervisory board:
On the Supervisory Board I combine a spirit of innovation and strategic foresight. My expertise in business development and digital transformation shapes future paths. High-performance teams and cognitive diversity are my credo to spark creative excellence. Business innovation, technical sales management and market analysis are the pillars of my strategy work to ensure sustainable success. My knowledge of key accounts and government affairs, coupled with networking skills and multicultural understanding, position the organization globally. I drive innovations forward and open up new horizons with my eloquent language and global perspective.