Supervisory board: Global Startup Awards
SB Education: ongoing
Profession: Founder of SILKROAD 4.0 connectivity platform for emerging technologies, Infrastruktur und Policy Making
Inustry: Think Tanks
Technical Education: Dissertation for Dr.techn. an der TU Wien, “Inter-company Collaboration using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Systems” [final grade: very good], Degree in industrial engineering and mechanical engineering – focus: high-performance LASER physics, Vienna University of Technology; Training as a state-certified network administrator [class representative], Spengergasse, Vienna; Graduated from the European LASER Academy, graduated as “European LASER Engineer” [top ranking], Univ. of Liverpool, UK
Land: Austria
.) over 25 years of experience in project management of complex IT projects
.) Extensive digital experience – from managing operational IT operations to strategic
conceptual design of complex technology programs in multi-stakeholder consortia
(including state actors and universities)
.) Management of the Austrian flagship project cyber security in autonomous vehicles and
networked production, IoT4CPS; Teaching innovation management at the University of
Applied Sciences BFI Vienna
My contribution to the Board: (keyword)
References in the field of: tech diplomacy, internationalization, global networking, university networks, large-scale project management in the field of digitization, cyber security, IoT, mobility, insurance, B2C communication & story-telling, academic dissemination networks
My contribution to the Board:
I am moved by the holistic view of digitization. Technology is not the I am moved by the holistic view of digitization. Technology is not the solution, but always just one – albeit important – building block, embedded in innovation ecosystems and human societies across national borders.
With my global SILKROAD 4.0 network of experts for emerging technologies, I can evaluate the social and market-related effects of the respective acute issue, including the embedding in infrastructure and national and international policies (with a focus on the EU and Asia).
I also incorporate my extensive experience in leading consortiums of public bodies, private companies and universities in complex technology programs. I bring my knowledge – collected through practical application – about current future technologies (including contemporary social media communication) and sensitivity in dealing with people and psychological processes.