Supervisory board: open
SB Education: in progress
Profession: Self-employed IT consultant
Industry: originally IT, experience across industries, wherever digitization & IT are important
Technical Education: MBA Information Technologies
Country: Austria
- Fields of experience (for more than 25 years): “Value-adding digitalization”, “Digitalization & Leadership”, “IT and SAP transformation”, value-adding use of digital technologies; concrete, tested concept for a workshop “Digital Governance for AR”
- Leadership: more than 25 years of leadership experience (HP and SAP); 10 years at management level (SAP); Mentor for young managers since 2008; Advisory board in the Economic Forum of Managers (wdf.at; chairman 2015-2019); Focus on “Leadership as a success factor for successful digital development”
- Innovation management: development and use of innovative corporate structures; Design thinking as a methodological success factor
My contribution to the supervisory board: (Keywords)
create/develop a personal “digital mindset”, develop questions for the board, further develop the digital company status, enable competition and future security through value-adding digital business
My contribution to the supervisory board:
Digitalization is a high-impact topic of fundamental importance. The competitiveness and future security of companies increasingly depends on how well boards of directors, management and supervisory boards assume their responsibility for the sustainable economic use of digital technologies.
Digital developments and results that are suitable for the company can only be achieved through targeted leadership and strategy, controlled by the top management level, monitored and supported by control committees.” Through my experience, I can provide both the necessary “digital understanding of AR” and the right questions for the company Board and also develop suitable concepts for digital business.