Fotocredit: MP2
Supervisory board: open
SB Education: CSE Certified Supervisory Expert; incite – die UBIT.Akademie
Profession: CEO MP2 IT-Solutions
Inustry: IT & Digitization, Digital Healthcare
Technical Education: Lead Auditor ISO 27001 – Information Security, Certified Digital Consultant
Country: Austria
- Experience and expertise in the field of IT & digitization – in the spirit of: IT for companies. solutions for people
- Cybersecurity is a must in organizations – Lead Auditor ISO 27001 Information Security
- 1999 Founding & management of a technology company
My contribution to the supervisory board: (Keywords)
Digitization, IT, information security, ISMS, security, diversity, innovation, ISO, software, innovation management, employer branding, BGF, company health management, technology, digital healthcare
My contribution to the supervisory board:
In order for digitization to be advanced professionally, innovation and secure solutions are needed. As an IT entrepreneur and certified digitization consultant, I know how important innovative strength is in order to further develop your own products and services and to support customers with practical technology in the digital transformation. And these aspects are of the utmost importance in the Competence Center Digital Healthcare by MP2 IT-Solutions. As Vice-President of VÖSI (Association of Austrian Software Innovations) and founding member of WOMENinICT as well as alliance partner of , I am particularly committed to more women in the STEM field. My credo: IT for companies. solutions for people.