Jacqueline Erhart /en

Nadine Studeny www.nadine-studeny.at

Supervisory board: AustriaTech GmbH (Chairwoman)
SB Education: Governance Excellence: Programm für Aufsichtsrät*innenWU Executive Academy

.) ASFINAG Maut Service GmbH, Teamlead Cooperative, Connected and Automated Driving & Digital Infrastructure
.) ASECAP (European Association of Operators of Toll Road Infrastructures), Policy Advisor und Chairwoman Intelligent Transport Systems and Automated Mobilty
.) ATTC (Austrian Traffic Telematics Cluster), CEO

Inustry: IT/ IKT / Sensors/ Innovation / Mobility
Technical Education: Engineering Physics
Country: Austria

  • Experience in the field of research and innovation (formerly: quantum physics, today: new technologies and concepts for connected and intelligent mobility services of the future)
  • Experience in (product) development and digitization (formerly: automotive, today: mobility sector)
  • Experience with European infrastructure and international relations in Brussels in the field of mobility and telecommunications

My contribution to the supervisory board: (Keywords)
References in the area: international vehicle industry, international mobility, international infrastructure, innovation management, digital transformation, digital service expansion, stakeholder management, leadership, inclusion

My contribution to the supervisory board:
Through my European network in the innovation and mobility sector and experience from working with the European Commission and Parliament, I bring my industry expertise and my network to bear. I contribute to future-oriented business development, digital transformation and corporate development for the successful inclusion of generations.