Josef Kranawetter

© Josef Kranawetter

Supervisory board: open
SB Education:  Professionelle Aufsichtsrats- GremientätigkeitDonau Universität Krems
Profession: Entrepreneur Josef Kranawetter e.U. and farmer, as manager in change
InustryIndustrial automation and plant engineering, mechatronics, food and agriculture
Technical Education: Mechatronics and agriculture
Country: Austria

.) 40 years of experience in the field of national industry and plant engineering as well as agriculture
.) 30 years in international sales of mechatronic capital goods
.) passionate 25 years in the management of companies in the international group of companies as well as an independent entrepreneur in highly competitive markets

My contribution to the supervisory board: (Keywords)
Restructuring, profitability, greenfield projects, voice of customer, digital transformation, IoT, conflict management; recruiting

My contribution to the supervisory board:
In leadership, one of the tools is advice. In many conversations with people who work in leading roles, the question of the succus, the expected result, appears as a tried and tested tool for gaining trust and security in a decision. From startups and spin-offs, to the role of the principals in operating companies, to the question of company succession, this is a core task and a supplement in the interests of the owners.