Supervisory board: open
SB Education: Practice:
2008– 2017: Advisory Board member of the Russian Austrian Lotteries Holding GmbH (AT)
2010– 2016: Chairman of the Supervisory Board OOO Ural Loto (Russia)
Profession: Heinzel Group – Laakirchen Papier AG / Leitung Vertrieb, Marketing & Produktionsplanung SC Papier // Unternehmensberatung GREConsult e.U. // Lektor am IMC Krems
Inustry: Paper industry // Management consultancy // University education
Technical Education: Electrical engineering
Country: Austria
- Development and expansion of corporate structures & corporate management: CEO Russian Austrian Lotteries Holding GmbH & General Director/CEO OOO Ural Loto
- Technology & processes: production planning, optimization of processes, sales, logistics, international business development, marketing, IT, digitization, project management
- AR, advisory board & decision-making: preparation of well-founded decisions, controlling, sales and cost optimization, innovation management,
My contribution to the supervisory board: (Keywords)
Technical & business expertise, corporate management, optimization of corporate and production processes, controlling & decision-making, business development, sales, marketing, customer processes, innovation/mentoring start-ups
My contribution to the supervisory board:
Generalist with technical and business expertise as well as management experience in both the service and industrial sectors. Experience in setting up and expanding company and sales structures and optimizing company and production processes with a focus on interface management, especially production, sales, IT and logistics as well as customer satisfaction. Expert in the field of business and team development, project management and identification of synergies. Experience and theoretical know-how in the field of corporate management, controlling, cost optimization and decision-making, also through independent management consultancy with his own company GREConsult e.U. and through teaching at the IMC Krems.