Supervisory board: open
SB Education: Professional Supervisory Board, Donau Universität Krems
Profession: CEO
Industry: Professional Development Training, Adult Education
Technical Education: Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics
Country: Austria
- 30 years of experience in international technical sales in automation
- 20 years in leading positions as sales manager and member of the management board
- Further development into the management of an international training company
My contribution to the supervisory board: (Keywords)
Electrical engineering, automation, sales management, further education, human resources, soft skills, diversity, inclusion, communication, leadership, success factors, cooperation, training, LMS (Learning Management Systems), people development
My contribution to the supervisory board:
Based on a sound technical education, several international management positions in sales and management, my focus today is on internal and external communication, the promotion of talent and the optimization of cooperation. This includes in particular the area of leadership and social skills at all levels.