Supervisory board: AVAILY AG, Deutschland (Vorsitz),
SB Education: Studium Rechtswissenschaften Uni Graz, Hagener Inst. für
Profession: CEO
Industry: digital economy
Technical Education: Software Development & Telecom
Country: Austria, Germany, Swiss, USA
- Decades of experience with digitization projects of various sizes, from startups to DAX corporations
- Expert and sparring partner for strategy and innovation
- Founder of numerous companies since 2002 in German-speaking countries and since 2020 in the USA
My contribution to the supervisory board: (Keywords)
Digital Transformation, Business Strategy & Innovation, M&A
My contribution to the supervisory board:
As an experienced entrepreneur with legal and business training, who learned to program before the development of the Internet and was able to deepen his knowledge in 30 years of practice, I know all the framework conditions to successfully accompany companies into the digital era. As the founder and manager of various companies in Europe and the USA, I have the entrepreneurial foresight and responsibility to support the management and board of directors in an advisory capacity, as well as with decision-making power and consistency.