Sascha Mundstein

Fotocredit: Abel Almarales

Supervisory board:  Family Offices (zB Karnali AG)
SB Education: Institute for Ethical Leadership, INSEAD (Fontainebleau and Singapore)
Profession: Consultant, Interim CTO, Technology & Strategy at eBay, Pfizer, Strategy and technical implementation at eBay, startups as founder, mentor and investor
Inustry: IT, Healthcare, Pharma, Banking, Crypto, FMCG
Technical Education: AI in linguistics in the 1990s at Harvard University. Hands-on at eBay, Pfizer, in many startup companies.
Country: Austria/ USA

  • Strategy and technology consultant at Pfizer at C-level, for CTO/CIO, focus on innovation
  • MBA from INSEAD, the top supervisory board training school in Europe
  • International management experience in Europe, USA, East Asia (China, Singapore)

My contribution to the supervisory board: (Keywords)
Technology pipeline, optimization in logistics, production, finance, treasury, trading, pharmaceuticals, health. Expertise for trade, incentives, ecosystems, entrepreneurship, startup, innovation, ethics, international, USA, Asia, China, crypto, blockchain

My contribution to the supervisory board:
The questions posed to the supervisory board of dynamic and successful companies are becoming increasingly technical and (in both senses of the word) cryptic. It is no longer enough to just be able to read balance sheets, know the industry environment and recommend process optimizations.
I can also bring a systemic understanding of new technologies and upcoming technological decisions into the discussion. My technical know-how, decades of experience, permanent market observation and a wide global network of technicians, entrepreneurs and managers help me in this.
Last but not least, a sound financial and risk assessment is also necessary in order to navigate the narrow path to success somewhere between hype and short-sightedness.