Supervisory board: open
SB Education: in education
Profession: Zukunft.Frauen Durchgang 21
Inustry: Blue Planet Ecosystems, Co-founder and Head of Data Science
Technical Education: Biotechnology
Country: Austria
- Former particle physicist at CERN and data scientist
- Currently Head of Data Science at a start-up developing innovative and sustainable aquaculture technology
- Experience with very diverse fields, from data analytics to automation
My contribution to the supervisory board: (Keywords)
Biotechnology, Female Leadership, Digitalisation, AI
My contribution to the supervisory board:
As a member of the board, my contributions would be multifaceted, combining my expertise in business intelligence, entrepreneurship, sustainability, and leadership. I also bring extensive knowledge in various IT fields such as IoT, cloud infrastructure, electronics, as well as data science, machine learning and physics, which allows me to leverage innovation and collaboration to drive strategic decision-making. By combining these skills and experiences, I can bring a unique perspective to the board, helping to foster a dynamic and forward-thinking approach to governance.