We are a international team of active or future digital/technical supervisory board members .
Active (supervisory board members/ board members/ managing directors) Individuals who already hold a supervisory or advisory board mandate or are a member of the management or executive board of a company with a supervisory board and therefore have practical experience of working together on a supervisory board.
Candidates (future supervisory board members) People who aspire to a digital/technical supervisory or advisory board mandate. Candidates must have completed supervisory or advisory board mandate training or have registered for supervisory or advisory board mandate training (DUK, WU, EA, Incite or comparable).
All experts have either a technical education (IT / mechanical engineering / physics / etc..) or over 10 years of professional experience in the technical field. (References)
The Experts :
Markus Brunnthaler CEO Supervisory board: Sparkasse DGE: Technical chemistry Austria
Gerald Cäsar Consulting Supervisory board: TGW DGE: IT/ Software Austria
Ronald Derler CEO Supervisory board:: AVAILY AG DGE: SW & Telekommunikation AT, CH, DE, USA
Cecile Deterre Co-founder & Data Science Supervisory board: open DGE: Physics/Engineering Austria
Thomas Dopler CEO Supervisory board: 7 companies DGE: Innovation / sustainability Land: Austria
Peter Dziergas CEO Supervisory board: open DGE: Elect. engin- mechatronics Austria
Jacqueline Erhart Manager Supervisory board: Austriatech DGE: Techn. Physik Austria
Maria Geir Managing Director Supervisory board: open DGE: digitalization Austria
Michael Grech Manager Supervisory : open DGE: Electrical engineeringAustriia
Anna Elisa Göke Head of Purchasing Supervisory board: open DGE: IT/ civil engineering Germany
Mario Michael Grassl Consulting Supervisory board: open DGE: mechanical engineering , . Austria
Patricia Kastner Angel-Investor Superv.. board: ContentservAG DGE: digitalization Swiss
Michaela Klein Consulting Sup.Board: PLPSmartenergyAG DGE: Energy Industry Swiss
Josef Kranawetter CEO Supervisory board: open DGE: Mechatronics Austria
Gerlinde Macho Aufsichtsrat: open Beruf: CEO, MP2 IT-Solutions Branche: IT/ Digital Healthcare Land: Austria
Sascha Mundstein Consultant, Interim CTO Supervisory board: Family Offices (zB Karnali AG) Branche: IT, Healthcare Land: USA / Austria
Sven Neumann CEO Supervisory board: open Branche: digitalization Land: Germany
Alexander Rauscher CEO Super..-board: What a Venture DGE: mechanical engineering Austria
Philipe Reinisch Serial Entrepreneur Supervisory board: open DGE: digitalization Austria
Regina Roos VP Business Development ect.SB: various mandate DGE: mechanical engineering Swiss
SADREDIN SAHESCH-PUR Consulting Super..-board:Swiss Eng. STV DGE: mechanical engineering Swiss
Rainer Schamberger CEO/ Partner SB: ex: PayLife , etc DGE: digitalization Austria
Norbert Schöfberger consultant, editorSB: TESEDi GmbH DGE: digitalization Austria
Mirjam Sick Consulting SB: Wunderpen DGE: mechanical engineering Swiss
Johannes Skrivanek VP Digital at GlobeAir AG, Supervisory board: GlobeAir AG DGE: digitalization Austria
Asli Toksal Strategic Advisor Sup.. board: two AI start-ups DGE: digitalization Austria
Peter Tutsch Lawyer and partner Supervisory board: openDGE: HTL Industr. Engineering Austria
Christian Waidner Product Manager Supervisory board: PHYTEC DGE: Electrical engineering Germany
Wolfgang Wagner CEO Supervisory board: zt archiv DGE: IT/ Electrical engineering Austria
Michael T. Weilguny Head of Sales Supervisory board: FinAngel DGE: digitalization Austria
Gerhard Zeiner Self-employed IT consultantSupervisory board: openDGE: digitalization Austria
Alan Zettelmann Innovation Consulting SB:Innoconsult& Innovation 360 DGE: New Technologies Spain
Thomas Zimmerer Interim CDO/CIO Supervisory board: enerlog AG DGE: digitalization Germany